Holly’s Petite Gallery
Join Holly for a small group reading in a professional, comfortable, private office setting. You will enjoy an enchanting experience of evidential mediumship, messages from Heaven & Prophetic Insight, Q&A, and Spiritual Readings. There are only 9 seats available.
3-3:20- Doors open. Light Refreshments Welcome & getting settled in.
3:20 Readings Begin Promptly
5pm Readings Come to a close
5:15 Doors Close & Are Locked for the Evening.
This is located in Harahan, Louisiana on Hickory Avenue near Seither’s Seafood. The precise address will be emailed to you upon purchase. Tickets are available for $45
Should you have Questions email Holly@HrDragonfly.com
The waiting area is reserved for attendees only, and there are no childcare or childcare facilities available. Please make arrangements for childcare off-premises if needed.